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Why are Worms your Garden Friends?


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Hey Y’all! Welcome Back! Today is all about worms! Specifically their benefits for us gardeners! Most people know about worm casting which is just a fancy word for worm poo! Not only do they poo amazing fertilizer, they also help aerate the ground which can help with drainage and aeration for the roots of your plants! Worms are everywhere, but if you use these tricks you can multiply your worm population! 

Before we talk about how to multiply your worm population let’s talk about their living conditions and what they like. As many of you know, worms don’t drink water, they absorb it through their skin. This means they need moist soil or bedding, not wet they can drown. They also breathe through their skin, so saturated soil can suffocate them. They will eat their body weight in food every day, but be sure to cut the pieces up in tiny pieces so It doesn’t take them as long to eat it. They eat decomposing organic matter like fruits and veggies, rotting leaves, cardboard/ paper, cornmeal, oats, and other organic matter. They enjoy and thrive in dark cool places

Alright now that you know their living conditions let’s learn how to bring them up and to your garden or compost! First I like to add a layer of used coffee grounds, if you don’t drink coffee I suggest reaching out to your local coffee shop. They often have extra used coffee grounds to spare! Now your coffee grounds are down, add a layer of paper or cardboard. Be sure to keep it moist, they will eat their way through it and you’ll forever have little friends. I used this method when I started both my garden bed and my compost bin and now I have a healthy population of worms that is multiplying as we speak! 

Now that the worms are in your garden, I suggest a worm tower. Which is just a fancy way to say a place where you feed your worms! This is a link to some Vego, in garden bed composter. Just dig a hole big enough to fit the worm tower. Be sure to keep the top covered, with leaves or shredded paper. Keep it moist. Now you will have a happy and healthy garden full of little friends. I also recommend that after your growing season you heavily mulch over your garden to insulate the ground for your little friends, be sure not to overfeed your worms during the winter they will eat less as the temperature drops. 

Now that you know the key to a happy and healthy worm population, what are you waiting for? Happy Gardening, Everyone! I hope you have fun finding all your new friends! 

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Mar 26, 2024

wow! I didn't know this! Thanks for sharing!

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