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How to Save Seeds from Your Garden!


Hey Y’all! Welcome back!! Today is all about saving seeds. I know I am early in the game but it’s ok. Better early than late! Let’s get into it!

The Methods:

Depending on the plant is the method of saving seeds you’ll need to use. For peppers, you should allow the fruit to ripen on the plant, and the fruit should dry out. If it constantly rains after the season just pick the fruit and let it dry on a windowsill. 

For Tomatoes and Cucumbers, you can just pick the fruit as normal and allow the seeds to fully dry, I use a paper towel. You can use anything. If you do not let them completely dry, then they will mold when you try to store them! 

For Broccolis and lettuces, you should allow them to bolt and flower. After they flower, they will produce plenty of seeds! Make sure you collect them in time, they will blow away and you will have 100s of random plants. I know this from experience! 

Storing the Seeds:

Now that you have the seeds completely dried out, you can now store them! Yay by the way! One step closer to not buying anymore seeds ever again! I usually put my seeds in a Ziplock baggie, or the small paper envelopes, the orange ones. On the other hand, if you like being organized and fancy you can always order the seeds packets from Amazon and have little seed packets!

Happy Seed Saving!

Thank you for reading all the way through! I hope you learnt something today! Are you going to save some of the seeds from your fruit this year? Happy Gardening, Everyone! Save those seeds!!

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