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Vertical Growing


Hey Y’all! Welcome back! Today is all about vertical growing! There is no doubt that when you only have limited ground space, and you want to grow multiple things along with a vining vegetable it is hard, but what if it didn’t have to be? Vertical growing is just where you grow up instead of out! This means you can grow all the food you want with a fraction of the space that you would regularly need! 

Getting Started

There are many methods of vertical growing, I suggest a cattle or hog panel that you can get

at your local Tractor Supply Co. or Home Depot. Along with a panel of your choice, you will need 8 ft T-posts that you can get at the corresponding stores. The amount will be based on how you are planning to put the panel, you can arch it if you have enough room or you can just use it like a regular fence, which is how I do it. My garden bed is 17 ft give or take. I use 4 T-posts for my whole fence panel. Which is sturdy. 

For an arch I would use 2 on each side therefore there would still be 4 T-posts. You would need to measure to see how high you would want the arch, which would, help you decide how far apart the T-Posts would need to be! 


Now that you know how to make vertical growing possible talk about why you should! While vertical growing is amazing for saving space in your beds, it actually can help keep diseases down in the plants, as they will not just be sitting on the ground and getting splashed with water constantly. While there are many benefits it all depends on space and personal preferences. I think I will be trying the vertical arch or all my tomatoes this year since I like to grow an indeterminate breed, and they got well over 7 feet last year! 

Your Decision

Now that you’ve heard it all, what do you think? Are you for vertical growing or are you against it? Do you think it is worth it? Let me know! I want to hear your reasons! Happy Gardening everyone! 

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