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Companion Planting: How and Why?


Hey Y’all! Welcome back! Today is all about companion planting! Companion planting is the method of planting plants together that can benefit each other. It can be either for pests pollination, or even flavors. 

List of some of the companion planting plants:

When planting tomatoes you might plant: Marigolds for pollinators and pests, comfrey to help fix the soil, geraniums to draw all the pests away from the tomatoes, garlic, or onions to deter pests! 

When planting cucumbers you might plant marigolds for pollinators and pests, or borage to add nitrogen to the soil along with pollinators.

When planting lettuces you might want to plant: Marigolds for pollinators and pests, corn to help shade the plants, or borage to help with nitrogen and bring pollinators.

This is the short list of benefits of companion planting, not only does this help the plants, but it also helps you out because there are fewer pests! Which means less work for you, that sounds good to me! In the dead of summer, the last thing I want to be doing is fighting with garden pests.

What’s your stance on it?

Are you for companion planting? Do you see the benefits or do you think it’s a waste of time? I know I am all for it! I planted marigolds with my tomatoes last year and the only problem I had was deer that saw my garden as a midday snack! Come back next week to learn how I plan on fighting back with the deer! Happy Gardening everyone! I hope you use this method of planting! I know your plants will thank you!

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